Tuesday, October 7, 2008


So my back problems have flared up again.  I had an MRI this morning and I'm at home, heavily medicated (Oxycotin aka "hillbilly heroin" and steroids) in pain propped up by a pile of pillows armed with my laptop and OnDemand tv.

To be honest this sucks.

I really like my new job and missing work this early in doesn't look good and I hate it.

But I can't move.  I tried to get out of bed this morning for over an hour before finally surrendering to the pain and calling it quits.

I already know that I have a herniated L4 and L5 vertebrae which pinches my sciatic nerve causing pain and numbness on the right side of my body.  Although now with this flare up the pain and numbness has spread to my left side and I'm having issues supporting my weight (i.e. my legs give out and I topple over when I sit) and my doctor is very concerned.

He said at this point physical therapy isn't going to help and medication will only temporarily ease my symptoms (although if my current situation is any indication its already not working).

I'm worried that he's going to tell me that surgery is my only option....which would suck....I can't afford to be laid up for three weeks.

Anyways...I'm just venting...this is such a shitty situation.

Hopefully I'll have something more interesting to talk about later.

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