Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Funny...but makes me want to beef up my internet security...

I lurk on a variety of internet forums and a few days ago someone posted a rumor about Sarah Palin having AND using a private Yahoo email address to conduct State business as the Govenor of Alaska. People of course posted comments about how humorous it would be if someone hacked into said account.

Well apparently someone did it.

Sarah Palin's email WAS hacked and various screenshots of different emails have been posted all over the internet.

Needless to say the FBI is now involved in the investigation.

But could an elected official, someone who the Republican party think is capable of being our next Vice President be foolish enough to use a Yahoo email account instead of a secure government account to conduct state business? I mean really...

Is she going to be held accountable for creating this security risk? I know at the various companies I've worked for accessing/using private email at work is forbidden, partially for this reason. It creates an issue of security.

Was Palin sending emails she didn't want the Alaska state officals to be able to keep tabs on?

And what sort of message does this send out to the American voters? Do they really want someone in office who puts highly important, private information in a public Yahoo account?

I mean Sarah Palin certainly has plenty of other faults, but do we want our government secrets and happenings sent out from an unsecure email addy, I think not lol...

And yes, before you flame me I know that even public email addys have security. But obviously not good enough security if some bored hacker was able to crack it.

And I know exactly how the Republicans are going to spin this....they are going to blame the Internet, blame hackers and demand closer monitoring and restrictions on the Internet.

We've already lost economic security because of the Republican party...I really don't want "Big Brother" monitoring my Internet activity more than they already are, worrying about spy ware, viruses and key loggers is bad enough. I don't want to have to worry about having an FBI file or something somewhere tracking my Internet history. For while I may not be a hacker or a pedophile or anything like that, I'm still a liberal, opinionated, bisexual college student who would rather keep her private business private.

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